A Thanksgiving Day Surprise

Today is Thanksgiving Day here in the USA.  It is a holiday that was created to honor the people that settled in the USA from Europe.  As I am a vegetarian, the traditional turkey dinner does not appeal to me. However, as it is a peaceful holiday I took advantage of everyone being home to call around to friends of mine.  I was pleasantly surprised to hear some of the news.  My cousin is about to get a great job as a performer, my friend is changing his life to work with disabled children, my sister is creating wonderful media for her charity (and she is being honored this year as Ohio’s Citizen of the Year, a wonderful news for her and our family) and another friend was simply happy that I called him.

So simply hearing the joy in their voices was a great treat for me.  The news today is filled with the tragic events in Mumbai (I still think of it as Bombay, having spent so many years there in the early seventies) and I started my day worrying about the future implications of this event.  Calling around and remembering people I love was just the medicine I needed.  Perhaps one of the by-products of an insane world is to increase our desire to come together in friendship?

My wife, Katarina, has been speaking to many of her friends about the power of prayer.  Someone I worked with closely for over twenty years recently suffered a stroke so serious there was little hope for his survival and less for any form of useful recovery.  Due to the power of the prayers of thousands of people all over the world, he has made a miraculous recovery and will seemingly resume a more or less normal life.  Prayer is a wonderful thing.

So my prayer for the world is simple.  Please let there be sanity in this world.

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